Top 15 Corn Plasters
Discover the UK's favourite corn plasters, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say
“They are very effective”
What people say
“These plasters work a charm”
What people say
“These little plasters keep the corn moist and soothe the pain”
“These plasters do not have salicylic acid in them but they stop corns rubbing and soften them so they can be removed eventually”
What people say
“Very easy to put on once on they are comfortable to walk in”
“Very good and better than all other products in the market”
What people say
“This product is great”
“These really are the best on the market”
What people say
164 reviews from 10 shops
What people say
“Very comfortable and they stay in place”
“These are useless as the adhesive is so weak”
What people say
“These wraps are AMAZING and I have just ordered another box just incase”
What people say
“These felt pads are perfect for the relief of discomfort of corns”
“They are the only corn pads that stay on even when one has bathed and the felt does not come away from the adhesive part”