Top 12 Firelighters Products

Get your fire started quickly and easily with these top firelighters. Check out their reviews and find out where to buy them.

What people say

87 reviews from 4 shops
“These were so handy and ideal during the summer months and are safe and secure”
“This is my go to fuel for my fire pit in my back garden! So simple and easy to use”

Where to buy


What people say

79 reviews from 3 shops
“These bags may be smaller but I find the quality is really good - dry and burn so quickly”
“They are really clean (to handle) good size kindling and incredibly uniform in size mostly”

Where to buy


What people say

10 reviews from 2 shops
“These are very good”

Where to buy


What people say

12 reviews from 2 shops
“These are very handy! I use them to light my fire most nights! No mess or that awful fire lighter smell! Always have these in the house!!”
“These come in individual wrappers”

Where to buy


What people say

2 reviews from 3 shops

Where to buy


What people say

42 reviews from 3 shops
“These are really great - they don't have the weird smell other firelighters have”
“These are great”

Where to buy


What people say

7 reviews from 2 shops
“These are much better than another well known brand - they don't take as long to get going and have a stronger burn”
“They are stored in the lounge without any issue - you can't smell them”

Where to buy


What people say

18 reviews from 2 shops
“These are WAY better than the more well-known wrapped firelighters”
“These firefighters have some kind of little extra kick in them so they seem to keep reigniting which really helps get the fire started”

Where to buy


What people say

50 reviews from 1 shop
“These firelighters are great quality and I have yet to find a better price”
“These are excellent firelighters and always light immediately and very reasonable price”

Where to buy


What people say

5 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy
