Top 13 Holy Moly Products

Get ready to taste the delicious products by Holy Moly. Check out the amazing reviews and find out where you can get your hands on them.

What people say

875 reviews from 6 shops
“This is by far the tastiest guacamole around - it tastes so fresh and is beautifully creamy with small chunks of avocado”
“I love the occasional lump of avocado rather than a completely smooth blend”

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What people say

426 reviews from 5 shops
“This is such a great idea and with no additives it is just as healthy as battling with an avocado and losing! It is really fresh tasting and convenient to keep in the fridge to add to salads or to take on a picnic”
“This is truly delish! The tastiest and creamiest Avocado that I've ever bought premade”

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What people say

210 reviews from 4 shops
“I love the Holy Moly guacamole so being able to have it in these small sizes is great as sometimes I have brought the larger pot and not finished it off and the guacamole has tasted quite tart 24 hours later”
“I love the three little tubs so you don't end with wasting it when it starts going brown”

Where to buy


What people say

319 reviews from 3 shops
“This is something that was an absolute pleasant surprise and a definite purchase I'll be making again”
“I love Guacamole with fajitas but always always found pre-prepared tubs sloppy and tasteless”

Where to buy


What people say

183 reviews from 4 shops
“I love that it is packed with natural ingredients”
“This is the best pre-made hummus I've ever tried”

Where to buy


What people say

83 reviews from 2 shops

Where to buy


What people say

24 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

187 reviews from 2 shops
“They are expensive but how many reg Avocados arent cheap and can be a wasted as often or not when you slice open they are brown or woody or never ripen or over ripen”
“These are very tasty and so much more convenient than an actual avocado”

Where to buy


What people say

3 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

55 reviews from 2 shops
“These taste like I put all my favourite ingredients together and toasted them”
“This is the best salsa I've ever tasted; sweet and smoky with no nasty ingredients and literally tastes home made”

Where to buy
