Top 17 Pains Au Chocolat Products

Get your chocolate fix in the morning with these delicious Pains Au Chocolat - we've compiled a list of the tastiest ones and where to find them.

What people say

281 reviews from 3 shops
“These are quick and simple to use and taste lovely straight from the oven with the minimum of fuss”
“These are delicious and much better than pre packed croissants”

Where to buy

Mini Pains Au Chocolat
10 x

What people say

85 reviews from 1 shop
“These were delish! Given to review and we would definitely buy again - just yum - super tasty - awesome chocolate and light to eat”
“I love Picard products - good quality and they don't seem to use nasty ingredients”

Where to buy


What people say

47 reviews from 2 shops
“This product is a family favourite”
“Very fresh and lovely taste”

Where to buy


What people say

37 reviews from 1 shop
“These are great kids love them and tried more expensive ones and from the bakery but they always prefer these plus eight in a pack is very generous compared to other offerings from rival supermarkets at a higher price ”
“These are very tasty and as they are individual wrapped last well”

Where to buy


What people say

164 reviews from 1 shop
“These are lovely toasted for just under 60 seconds”
“These are lovely! My kids love them and the individual wrappers keep them fresh”

Where to buy


What people say

92 reviews from 2 shops
“These are a delicious weekend treat that are a hit with the whole family”
“They are delicious! Perfect size for an occasional treat”

Where to buy


What people say

91 reviews from 3 shops
“These are the proper job! Often eaten along with a banana and maybe a spoonful of peanut butter”
“These are made with a brioche dough which is worked into a light puff pastry and filled with a delicious dark chocolate”

Where to buy

St Pierre
6 Pains Au Chocolat 6
6 x

What people say

106 reviews from 4 shops
“These are a great staple with a long shelf life”
“These are chocolate filled and liked by kids”

Where to buy
