Top 16 Always Night Pads Products

Get an uninterrupted night's sleep with Always Night Pads - the top-rated pads you can buy. Check out reviews and find them in your favourite shops.
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Always Night Pads

What people say

16,960 reviews from 10 shops
“these protect me through the night especially because I have a heavy flow and other leading brand products I found I was leaking which wasn't nice but these are comfy and I feel confident wearing them as I don't leak”
“These are great for night time super Absorbent so I can sleep well not worrying about any embarrassing leaks”

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What people say

31,723 reviews from 7 shops
“this is great for sleeping and feeling comfortable knowing you are protected”
“These are brilliant! They are longer than others so they offer more protection yet they are still thin which means you forget you're wearing a pad! They feel great to wear and definitely protect from leaks”

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What people say

9,960 reviews from 9 shops
“These are fabulous and just what I need for the first 3 days of my period which are pretty grim but these pads make life so much easier I feel cleaner fresher and more hygienic especially at night time and when at work and in the gym thankyou for always being reliable keep up the good work”
“These were very comfortable & I felt secure wearing them”

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What people say

4,738 reviews from 8 shops
“Love this product always protects me throughout the night from leaking also as I'm quite active with dance I usually use them at shows as I feel safer using these knowing that I am not going to leak through great product overall”
“These are great knowing that you're not having to constant wash your bedding because you've leaked trough”

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What people say

4,573 reviews from 10 shops
“These are really good for nighttime use and for heavy days or if you wear a larger ladies size nickers as they are longer and wider at the back their great protection if your like me and riggle in your in sleep you can also get them in larger pack size which is better value for money”
“These pads are amazing Excellent and Very comfortable & great”

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What people say

14,399 reviews from 9 shops
“These towels are a great buy! When you have erratic and ridiculously heavy periods (19 days on!!) these little beauties are great ! Normally have to wear 2 towels plus tampax at a night! No need with these super long so no leaks and very absorbent! Love them ! Saved me many of bed changes and jarmie changes ! Thank you Always Night Time !!!!”

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What people say

6,521 reviews from 2 shops
“These pads were so comfortable and discreet plus gave me more confidence to leave the house knowing there weren't going to be any embarrassing mishaps”
“Love always discreet night pads these are really absorbent and don't leave me feeling wet great protection”

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What people say

16,576 reviews from 9 shops
“They are so comfortable that when getting ready in the morning I sometimes forget if I've even remember to put one on! They have very rarely allowed for a leakage (sometimes when I'm having a heavier than usual day) and are the perfect length for all round protection than I even use them when I'm exercising!”

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What people say

9,059 reviews from 7 shops
“These are honestly amazing definitely the best ones I've ever tried! If you have heavy periods then they are a must! Perfect for keeping you secure all night long and the most comfortable ones too definitely recommend”
“These have been very useful when travelling away from home when I want to be sure I will be secure when sleeping through the night”

Where to buy


What people say

2,191 reviews from 3 shops
“These sanitary towels have been great during the day keeping me dry and comfy and staying secure in my underwear rather than curling/folding up like other brands I have tried”
“Very good quality material used and keeps you feeling fresh for longer and also hold more liquid then most pads”

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