Top 10 Hot Drinks Products

Get the best hot drinks out there and find out where to buy them, with reviews included.

What people say

449 reviews from 10 shops
“This is a long standing favorite in my family its the only coffee my mum drinks and its one of my favourite”
“This is far superior compared to a couple of other instant well known brands we have tried - very smooth”

Where to buy


What people say

457 reviews from 7 shops
“This is a great smooth coffee which has a lovely flavour ”
“This is a great smooth coffee which has a lovely flavour bought as part of a promotion but normally buy kenco”

Where to buy


What people say

960 reviews from 7 shops
“I think the quality is very good and the taste is great! I can really taste the vanilla and feels like having a coffee at the coffee shop only cheaper and you can make it yourself anytime! :)”
“I love taking these sachets to work - so convenient to have everything in one cup to make a great cup of coffee”

Where to buy


What people say

546 reviews from 6 shops
“I love Pukka teas in general but this one in particular has to be my favourite: soothing and calming”
“I love my Pukka nighttime teas! The flavour is really smooth and tasty”

Where to buy


What people say

320 reviews from 6 shops
“I love having this tea anytime of the day its just so relaxing and really refreshing makes you feel so relaxed overall”
“This is the first time i find great tasting just ginger blended right”

Where to buy


What people say

184 reviews from 2 shops
“They are a bit stronger and more refreshing than their rival brand”
“This is amazing quality tea all my family love it”

Where to buy


What people say

447 reviews from 7 shops
“I love this tea! I usually drink Green tea with lemon but when I'm feeling under the weather this tea is the perfect solution”
“I love Pukka Lemon Ginger tea! It's a delicious and refreshing blend of lemon”

Where to buy


What people say

380 reviews from 9 shops
“These are great and make a delicious hot chocolate in a flash”
“These make the whole house smell lovely! Really quick and easy way to enjoy that classic Cadburys taste”

Where to buy


What people say

276 reviews from 6 shops
“I love all of the Pukka teas that I have tried but this is my favourite at the moment”
“I love tea and trying different flavours so I was so excited to try this one”

Where to buy


What people say

246 reviews from 6 shops
“It's absolutely delicious! The flavour is strong but not too strong and doesn't have loads of grainy bits like other herbal teas often have which really puts me off”
“These are brilliant quality tea bags that are bursting with flavour both hot and cold”

Where to buy
