Top 13 McVitie's Hobnobs Products

Discover the UK's favourite mcvitie's hobnobs products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
McVitie's Biscuit
McVitie's Digestive
McVitie's Digestive Biscuits
McVitie's Hobnobs

What people say

312 reviews from 6 shops
“These are definitely the best biscuits ever - they taste great with their oatiness and coupled with the chelate layer on top they are the perfect afternoon pick me up or nighttime snack”
“these have got to be the best!! land up eating the whole packet! lovely to dunk! to save my waistline it would be great if they came in snack packs!”

Where to buy


What people say

205 reviews from 7 shops
“These biscuits are great”
“I love them with Nutella smothered all over them”

Where to buy


What people say

196 reviews from 5 shops
“These are my all time favourite biscuits there's never a time when I would take one if offered and Iv even converted the rest of my family to the chocolatey crumbly goodness that is chocolate covered hobnobs they are always on or shopping list and Iv always got a packet squirrelled away in the cupboard for sneaky snacks”
“These are wonderful”

Where to buy


What people say

118 reviews from 4 shops
“Love these biscuits and this week on special for £1.00 absolute bargain !!”
“These are moreish”

Where to buy


What people say

179 reviews from 4 shops
“These hob nobs taste amazing! So thick and loads of chocolate perfect for having with a lovely cup of tea! They have a lovely oatey texture really thick and fantastic for dunking! They are really good value for money as you only need a couple to satisfy you”
“These mctivie hobnobs always have been and always will be my absolute favourite biscuit”

Where to buy


What people say

167 reviews from 5 shops
“These bics have the perfect crunch factor and the dark chocolate tones down the sweetness nicely to make them incredibly moreish without being sickly”
“This is simply the most delicious biscuit ever in my mind - the sweet but not too sweet oats and the cool dark chocolate - gorgeous”

Where to buy


What people say

28 reviews from 3 shops
“Very tasty loved by our grandchildren (the older ones)”
“Very tasty and crunchy”

Where to buy


What people say

125 reviews from 3 shops
“These are lovely”
“Very addictive”

Where to buy


What people say

91 reviews from 3 shops
“These are my favourite Gluten Free biscuit !! I find they are so crunchy and taste delicious”
“These were crunchy and did not fall apart as many gluten-free biscuits do”

Where to buy


What people say

101 reviews from 3 shops
“These are absolutely delicious! They don't taste any different to normal “gluten rich” Hobnobs! - An absolute triumph in the gluten free biscuit arena”
“These taste better than the ones with gluten! However they are pricey for saying there are only eight per pack + I can't stop eating them”

Where to buy
