Top 8 Sleep Teas Products

Get a good night's sleep with the best Sleep Teas on the market. Here's where you can find them and read customer reviews.

What people say

546 reviews from 6 shops
“I love Pukka teas in general but this one in particular has to be my favourite: soothing and calming”
“I love my Pukka nighttime teas! The flavour is really smooth and tasty”

Where to buy


What people say

139 reviews from 6 shops
“The taste is unusual but worth the benefits it gave me”
“I love camomile tea before bed but tried this and had one every night”

Where to buy


What people say

381 reviews from 6 shops
“These smell and taste great proper night time drink with a fruity twist”
“This is a herbal tea which promotes relaxation for a good night's sleep but has all the soothing quality of a fruit tea”

Where to buy


What people say

28 reviews from 7 shops
“I love that lavender is a highlight in this blend”
“The taste is better when not left to brew too long as you can taste all the notes more”

Where to buy


What people say

8 reviews from 4 shops

Where to buy


What people say

18 reviews from 1 shop
“I think if it doesn't help me sleep I'll still get and drink it as a normal everyday tea”
“This is the best tea I have found that helps me sleep”

Where to buy


What people say

16 reviews from 3 shops
“I love a camomile tea before bed and always reach for Twinings”
“The taste was so off I had to throw them out”

Where to buy
