We work directly with 1,200 British farmers in East Anglia to grow our sugar beet
The sugar beet then travels directly from farm to local factory
In just a few simple steps our factory in Bury St Edmunds turns the sugar beet into our range of homegrown sugars
Sustainability is nothing new to us - we've been working on it for 30 years
Our sugar beet is homegrown and our bags are recyclable made with paper from certified forests
We send nothing to landfill and our excess production energy helps to power British homes
Geese forage for food in East Anglia's sugar beet fields
The sugar beet we use travels a short distance to the factory (an average of only 28 miles) direct from the fields around Bury St. Edmunds in East Anglia
We are committed to reducing energy use, emissions and waste
All our sugar bags are made from recyclable paper
780 reviews from 3 shops
"THIS IS BRITISH GROWN AND PRODUCED and better for British economy"
"Very small bag very expensive not worth the money won't get this again"
"These bigger bags are great as hubby uses a lot of sugar in home brew"
"These small bags are perfect for hampers that's why it was bought I usually by the 1kg bag"
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